Helio oiticica wikipedia
Helio oiticica tropicalia.
Grupo Frente
Defunct group of Brazilian artists
Grupo Frente was a group of Brazilian artists originated in Rio de Janeiro which existed from 1952-64.
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The group was led by Ivan Serpa, and was formed by artists such as Helio Oiticica, Aluisio Carvão, Lygia Clark, and Lygia Pape. Many of them studied under Ivan Serpa. Each of them came from different styles of art, but they all embraced the ideals of Concrete art, or what is now called geometric abstraction.[1]
Grupo Frente was a small collective group of geometric abstract artists.
The group has been called a loose group of official collective concrete artists, which has been interpreted as a group that allowed people to enter and leave. The movement of Concrete art pushed them towards Neo- Concrete art.
Helio oiticica wikipedia
Each member brought a different aspect to the group as a whole. They got together in museums as the MAM Museu de Arte Moderna. They were under the leadership of Ivan Serpa. Ivan started the group in 1952.