Grant wood american gothic parody
Grant wood american gothic analysis.
Grant wood american gothic parody pics
‘American Gothic’ by Grant Wood is one of the most popular and recognizable paintings in the history of American art. In fact, there have been countless parodies of this particular art piece made around the world.
One may be surprised that such a simple painting can make such an impact. After all, the painting only features a man and a woman standing side by side in front of a wooden house.
Grant wood american gothic parody
However, Wood’s well-known masterpiece conveys much more than what is seen by the viewer.
The focal point of the painting are the two subjects, the aforementioned male and female. The man, a 19th century farmer, was modeled by the painter’s dentist BH McKeeby from Cedar Rapids.
The woman, who is supposed to be the farmer’s spinster daughter, was modeled by Wood’s sister Nan. The 19th century wooden house found in the background actually exists in real life. The structure, which was built in the American Gothic style, is a tourist attraction in th