Best serial killer biography movies
Best serial killer biography movies
Top serial killer!
25 Best Serial Killer Movies Based on or Inspired by True Stories
Few feelings quite compare to the spine-chilling, heart-dropping rush of watching a great thriller movie. Whether a horror fanatic or not, waiting in anticipation before a serial killer pops out from behind the door has the power to scare the living daylights out of just about anyone.
An even scarier thought that movies can convey is the consideration that some of these incidents and occurrences, however vile or morally corrupt they may be, have happened in real life.
As ignorantly blissful as it would be to call it all make-believe, the most monstrous movie villains ever to hit the silver screens are modeled after real-life people and events. Here's a list of some of the best serial killer movies based on true stories.
Updated on October 29th, by Soniya Hinduja: This article has been updated with additional content to keep the discussion fresh and relevant with even more information and new entries.