Brian clough autobiography walking on water

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  • Brian clough autobiography walking on water

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    Cloughie: Walking on Water - Hardcover


    Whether it was winning league championships, landing back-to-back European Cups or riding the tidal wave of booze that washed him out of the game in 1993, there has never been any question of Brian Clough "quietly" getting on with things--and retirement hasn't changed that, as his boisterous new autobiography Cloughie--Walking on Water demonstrates.

    The man who in the twilight of his successful and controversial managerial career habitually proffered a paternal cheek for embarrassed reporters to kiss goodbye, has clearly lost none of his distaste for any convention he hasn't started himself, or his delight in causing a stir.

    The book is crammed with frank opinions, fruitily expressed: from analysing today's game (Arsene Wenger's all-conquering Arsenal: "a bad-tempered, bad-mannered team" that "leave a nasty taste"); pithily settling ancient scores (on how he became Hartlepool manager: "Their chairman, a little bloke called Ernie Or